Under 13s
Sun 11 Mar 2018
Diss Rugby Club
Under 13s
Diss U13’s gutsy performance in 5 vs 30 loss to Ipswich

Diss U13’s gutsy performance in 5 vs 30 loss to Ipswich

Peter Allott12 Mar 2018 - 11:02
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Happy ‘Mud-thers Day’

A home match versus Ipswich delivered a thoroughly absorbing contest on a pitch that could be described as ‘heavy going’.

With almost half the squad unavailable the U13’s just had enough players to make a team. A big thanks to Joseph Davison who was ill and not going to make the match. However, when he found out 45 mins before kick off that his team only had 12 players he rushed to join his teammates. Not only did he get in the nick of time, he was outstanding throughout the match – running, tackling and general play.

With 13 players, no subs - facing an Ipswich team with players to spare on an energy sapping, ‘swamp’ pitch – the boys knew they had a big challenge. But credit to them for one of their gutsiest performances of the year.

The match opened with two quick tries to Ipswich, both breakaways. This was countered by a good Diss try, converted by Jacob Fairweather. His trademark run finished a score that was made by the wider team who moved the ball from deep across the pitch to create the opening for Jacob to do his magic.

The rest of the match was quite attritional, especially as handling was difficult. Ipswich scored 4 more tries, but in fairness all these were made by two players and again from breakaways. Although the final score was Diss 1 try vs Ipswich 6 tries, it would be fair to say the scored flattered the visitors.

The points to draw out from a really enjoyable match include the outstanding rucking. The boys dominated in this category – both rucks and counter rucks - great to see their skills advancing. Equally there was better passing and distribution in evidence. One move in particular, a ruck won close to the Diss try line on the left side was followed by a series of passes across the width of the pitch – just the sort of thing we need more of. The payoff was that this unleashed Jacob and the team advanced close to the Ipswich try line. Finally there was some really good tackling. Yes a number of tackles were missed and work is still required, but credit to all as more tackles landed and these are of an increasingly high standard.

Finally I must mention the ‘heart’ each and every team member showed. In the final 10 minutes there were a number of Ipswich onslaughts that were time and again held up at the try line by the impenetrable Diss defence. Although everyone was shattered they fought for every yard and never gave an inch. This spirit is something that cannot be taught and will serve them well in the future.

In such challenging, ‘mud-fest’ conditions the match was a sight to see. The match photos give a good indication with many players looking like they had spent a rainy week at Glastonbury. It was played in a great spirit and credit to Ipswich who were fair opposition. ‘Man of the Match’ was Charlie North who led the forwards, tackled like a Trojan, and had some brilliant interplay with Jacob. Also mention should be made of Kit Brodie - drafted into the second row - who had a really strong match, running, making ground and rucking with real passion. But the truth is that this was a team performance and every one of the boys carried their teammates.

Thanks to all supporters, but particularly the Mothers who came out on ‘Mothers Day’ – true dedication.

Peter Allott
March - 2018

Match details

Match date

Sun 11 Mar 2018


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Shirt Sponsor - Frontline Traffic Solutions