Under 13s
Sun 13 Dec 2015
Diss Rugby Club
Under 13s
Frustration in the mud at Wymondham

Frustration in the mud at Wymondham

Mark Worley14 Dec 2015 - 10:59
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Hopes of a Diss win come to a sticky end

This was a match that Diss dominated for long periods, only to be outdone by some fine counterattacking play by the Wymondham backs. This was particularly evident in the first half when some powerful runs and long spells of Diss pressure were repulsed by dogged (sometimes last ditch) defence. Insult was added to injury as two forays into the Diss half led to tries by the speedy Wymondham backs, Harry Thomson and Jake Garside (HT 12-0).

The second half started in a similar vein, with Diss continuing to press and Wymondham providing the rapier like ripostes. Three further tries by Thomson, Garside and Ben Harvey saw the lead grow to 27-0 and, with increasing confidence, the Wymondham team played some fluent 15 man rugby. It is greatly to their credit that the Diss players continued to give their all and a fine run by Sam Geard ultimately led to a consolation try by Harry Williamson (FT 27-5).

This was a very difficult game to analyse. None of the Diss players could be criticised for lack of commitment and they all kept their heads up to the very end. Amongst the forwards Tyler Pursehouse made terrific yardage and was a formidable force in the mauls. In the backs Jordan Rix looked dangerous on the wing and David Thorne at fullback put in the sort of performance that would normally have made him Player of the Day; solid under the kick, good positional sense and returning the ball with interest. Indeed, there were good individual performances throughout the team and a victory may well have resulted against a lesser team. However, in a match ultimately decided by small margins, Wymondham probably edged things through a combination of better teamwork and organisation (and some rather fast backs!).

The Diss team probably left the field feeling unlucky that they had lost and, indeed, the winning margin probably flattered Wymondham. However, hopefully the disappointment will be tinged with a realisation that they are not far behind Wymondham and that individuality is good, but not enough. Against the better teams, the player breaking through needs support; the backs need to move up as a unit; players need to hold their position, make their own tackles and trust their teammates. These are small adjustments and shouldn’t deflect from another wholehearted performance.

In difficult conditions both teams attempted to play running rugby and they are all to be commended for their endeavours and for the fine spirit in which the game was played. A particular highlight of the match was the front row battle and Diss’ gradual domination of the scrum was in no small measure due to the powerful work by Sam Burnett, the Diss coach’s Player of the Day.

Match details

Match date

Sun 13 Dec 2015


Team overview
Further reading

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Platinum Sponsor - Quality Equipment
Shirt Sponsor - Frontline Traffic Solutions