Under 15s
Sun 04 Nov 2018
Diss Rugby Club
Under 15s
Crusaders U15's 0 v 48 Diss RFC U15's

Crusaders U15's 0 v 48 Diss RFC U15's

Andy Jermy4 Nov 2018 - 18:33
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Where there is a Will there is a way.

A good performance by Diss against a very much improved Crusaders side who played with heart throughout the match. Diss had several players injured or rested and arrived with 17 players. Crusaders had 14 so Will Pennant was leant to ensure even numbers. Will has only had a few games but he was very impressive throughout the game and played for Diss in the second half.
Play was fairly even for the first 7 minutes until the backs made a good run into the Crusaders 22 before setting the ball back in a ruck. Lucas Dade-Ricketts picked up from the ruck and crashed through to score. 0-5
On 10 minutes Diss were defending within 5 meters of their own line when Drew Harris collected the ball and set off on a run which was stopped on the Crusaders 5 meter line. The supporting pack arrived, and the ball was popped to William Wright to score. 0-10
Crusaders kicked off again only for Finlay Martin to catch the ball and set off on an unstoppable run scoring under the posts. Ben Waters converted for Diss to lead 0-17
There was a period of even play where Crusaders had chances but the Diss defence remained strong. Just before half time Moffe Ben-Edigbe ripped the ball from Crusaders hands and set off on a run before being stopped just short of the line, the ball was passed into the hands of Stan Spurdens to score. 0-22
Drew Harris had put in another fine game and swapped with Will Pennant to allow him a half in a Diss shirt. 2 minutes into the second half Joe Jermy ripped the ball from Crusaders hands and set up the ruck, the pack drove through releasing Moffe to run unstopped from the ½ way line to score. The try was converted by Bryce Cochrane. 0-29
5 minutes later and Joe Jermy set off down the wing and chipped through towards the posts when challenged. Joe was clearly winning the foot chase when he was ‘tackled’ off the ball. The resultant penalty was quickly taken and fed to Ben Waters to score. 0-34
After a further 5 minutes Ben waters was back in action again scoring under the posts, which allowed Bryce to convert. 0-41
Crusaders continued the fight to the end and never allowed their heads to go down. It wasn’t until just before the end of the game that following a series of pick and go moves Moffe set off again to score his second.
A pleasing performance from all involved but particular note was made of the work put in by Will Pennant and Will Wright.

Match details

Match date

Sun 04 Nov 2018


Team overview
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Team Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor - Quality Equipment