Under 15s
Sun 10 Apr 2016
Diss Rugby Club
Under 15s
Ipswich U15s v Diss U15s

Ipswich U15s v Diss U15s

Robin Harwood11 Apr 2016 - 20:59
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Diss take a big win

Diss travelled to Ipswich Sunday 10th April. Their last meeting at home to Ipswich had to be cancelled to to a shortage of players from Ipswich. Ipswich still with player shortage were forced to use U14s players plus a loan from Diss. Ipswich had a large set of boys in their pack, compared to Diss. Diss boys new that this wasn't their route through, they had to go wide.
Diss broke through defences quickly from full back Nat Strange to touch the ball down, only to be disallowed because he had overshot and gone dead. Then George Jones fly half, with a brilliant dummy, created a hole to run through the middle for a try. He then converted. Next Robert Duffield no 4 took a pass then scored a try. Diss excellent passing led Miles Smith no 8 to run in a try.
Tom Elkins a back row ran in next for a try, but Diss were struggling to convert.Nat Strange made amends for his first mistake to score another try for Diss. Half time Diss were winning nicely 0 - 27
The Second half continued the same, Diss going wide and taking down all of Ipswich breaks.
Miles scored again from another run in. Then a big kick forward from fly half, the ball landed and settled in the corner at try area, for Fred Sargent playing back row, to run in and pounce on to claim his try. Ipswich did put the pressure on, forcing Diss back, but Diss held out. They broke off off then Nat Strange ran in two more tries. Diss had a final burst as the referee calling final play. The ball was passed to Jack Smith winger, who sprinted the wing and was hit by a big tackle from a big player. Jack went down heavy, he was hurt. Referee called time. Diss had won by a big score. Jack got up, hopefully to play another day.
Diss had scored nine tries, but only converted one, from attempts of three players. Not their day for kicking, happy to take the win.

Match details

Match date

Sun 10 Apr 2016


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor - Quality Equipment