Under 15s
Sun 01 Mar 2015
Diss Rugby Club
Under 15s
Holt Plate SemiFinal


Paula Burrows2 Mar 2015 - 10:06
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Wow, is the first word that comes to mind in writing this report. Last week DISS played their best game of the season, all we asked of them was to kee

Wow, is the first word that comes to mind in writing this report. Last week DISS played their best game of the season, all we asked of them was to keep improving and crikey did they, not just a little but with a great leap!

Normally I would write a bit about each individual player in these reports, today I won’t because today it was all about the Team! From the off DISS came out with all guns blazing, this was something we specifically spoke about before the game due to the last time we played Holt we were struggling with numbers, struggling with injuries and came away with a bit of a beating so I’m sure this would have been in the Holt’s players and Coach’s minds so we had to shock them from the off. Shock them DISS did, DISS were all over Holt for the first five minutes of play with some great skilful and aggressive play that saw them camped in the Holt 22, unfortunately they didn’t manage to score but they certainly dispelled any thought Holt had that this would be a walk over.

In fairness to Holt they defended stoutly, always an aggressive side and always close to the edge, they came back and scored two tries in early succession to take a 0:10 lead with only ten minutes gone, this slight dip in concentration could possibly have cost DISS the match which just reinforces the point that DISS have to concentrate for the full 60 minutes, the next 50 minutes would result in DISS scoring twelve points to Holt’s ten, something to think about for next week.

Given the above fact this score reflects the competitiveness of the game but it doesn’t really reflect the domination DISS had, George Paine scored a great try after 13 minutes from a quick tap penalty to be converted by Tom Watson to bring the score to 7:10, DISS’s further dominance resulted in a try from James Cleverley on 22 minutes to take DISS into half time 12:10 ahead.

DISS continued their expansive use of the ball into the second half and forgive me if I’m wrong but I believe DISS had three try scoring opportunities that HOLT valiantly held up over the line, something to work on during training I think, and were, debatably, stopped from scoring a certain try after a breakaway with an off the ball incident that went un-noticed but these things happen and I’m sure Holt would have their point of view. I would like to say that I really cannot praise DISS highly enough for the way they played the game in the way it is meant to be played, hard but fair and not to retaliate in an illegal way but to make your point by hitting hard as the game is designed to be played.

Having valiantly defended for big periods of the game HOLT maintained their energy, helped by a very large squad and rolling substitutes which really didn’t help DISS who started with a squad of sixteen players only to lose Joe Burrows to a really nasty cut just above the eye followed closely after by the loss of Hugh Alabaster with a similar injury, we wish them both well and a speedy recovery, leaving DISS with only 14 players for the last 10 minutes of play, this was made worse by a yellow card to a DISS player that seemed rather harsh given other matters that were happening on the pitch which really meant the 13 on the pitch had to cover for this when they had already pretty much spent all their energy, as such DISS couldn’t keep Holt out and they went on to score two more tries making the final score 12:20 to Holt.

Many a debate was had in the Club House after the game but one fact remains, as I started this report, wow, what a team they are becoming! We have always known DISS have it in them to be a great side and play a really entertaining game, this match has reinforced this not only in the Coach’s, parents and supporters minds but in the minds of the players also. Keep this up lads and we will achieve our goal to put DISS on the map in Yorkshire at the White Rose Rugby Tournament in May!!

Kevin Jolly

Match details

Match date

Sun 01 Mar 2015


Team overview
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